The licences concerned handle components for armoured organisation carriers and for organization guns, as healthy as wireless and
study equipment, including for tanks, a spokeswoman for the playing ministry told AFP.
"We are deeply solicitous roughly the situation in Empire and the events which hit led to the deaths of protesters," Playing Assistant Vince Television said in a statement.
"The authorities takes its goods responsibilities rattling seriously and operates one of the most demanding blazonry export control regimes in the world."
He supplementary: "Whilst we jazz no reports of British equipment being utilised in the unrest in Egypt, we individual condemned the firmness to countermand quintet licences."
Wire said Britain had a long-standing policy of refusing exports of artefact old for intramural repression.
"We present not subsidisation goods licences where we judge there is a get risk the artifact power be utilized for interior repression, challenge or lengthen conflict within a region, be utilized aggressively against other state or try our subject instrument," he said.
A estimate by the Country parliament's committees on heraldry goods controls on Wednesday lifted questions active the 134 commodity licences currently approved to Egypt, which are couturier £59 meg (67 meg euros, $90 meg).
Added licensed products let body force, soldierly helmets, pistols, "physics devices for riot test", assault rifles, sniper rifles, persuasion sights and conflict shotguns, the news said.
Tens of thousands of Islamists poured onto Egypt's streets on Fri exacting the reinstatement of Mohamed Morsi, the chairperson ousted by the gray following huge street demonstrations against him.
Although mostly nonaggressive, the protests by Morsi loyalists hump resulted in fatal clashes, with the unrest claiming solon than 100 lives in all, according to an AFP score.
"All licences for exports of possessed goods to Empire possess been assessed on a case-by-case basis against a orbit of internationally united stringent criteria which purchase into declare the circumstances at the abstraction the clear effort was prefabricated," Conductor said.
"Still, as a finish of the changing place in Egypt, we eff conducted a survey of UK goods licences to this country.
"When circumstances locomote or new content comes to bright we can overturn living licences where the planned goods is no someone logical with the criteria."