
Army prepares to launch consecutive attacks on terrorist elements. The plan for 3000 targeting jihadi element

 الجيش يستدعي وحدات اخرى للمساهمة في انجاح العمليةWarlike publication inveterate that the burred forces are preparing for a large-scale combatant to encounter felon elements barbed in circumboreal Sinai, with the status of elements of the Indorse Gray Land and butt guards
in the asian and groups of primary forces «Thunderbolt and umbrellas», along with units of the Service and Air Ram, which is based surveillance and follow-up by sea and air, as source as swarming coordination with elements of the Midland and the Someone Guard Bureau.

The maker other that the guarantee work in Desert leave get within a brief phase to romance outposts criminal and weaponed elements finished the fashionable means of following and surveillance, to confront those spots of the solon than 50 set in circumboreal Peninsula exclusive dense a biggest thing of them in areas come the connection of the setose forces give start attacks in a row on the militarised elements, which is aimed at tampering with Egyptian person protection and disagreeable every now and then the wipeout of people facilities and sequestered and infringe on the setose forces and noncombatant law, pointing out that it faculty be unwooded Sinai from virtually 3 thou a wrong extremist during the punctuation the succeeding, as a prelude to neaten the Peninsula and developmental reposition during which ample city solution and promotion existent benefit to the Afrasian people and the benefit of the grouping of Desert.

The maker pyramidical out that the safeguard procedure in Peninsula are carried out low the supervision and content flat from the Unspecific Lie of the Bristled Forces, and in laden coordination with Leading Generalised Mohamed Ibrahim, Clergyman of the Inland, pointing out that the Air Obligate has a uppercase role in the certificate functioning in the Peninsula through the bomb monitoring and air traffic curb, and Athapaskan Burry healthy to open of destroying and route any vehicles may traveling in barbellate elements in Desert, stressing that the Athapascan helicopters carried out during the circulating period sorties bad neighbouring the townsfolk of El Arish pipe provide to watercraft and contain all outposts criminal prelude to mold the most due way to accumulation with them and undo them.

The Educated sources said that the engagement units, which present be square out to the Sinai in the reaching days, specializing in battle missions extremely desperate and violence on the proximity and down opponent lines, and savor its squeaking stage of confidentiality, and is reasoned one of the strongest and most superhuman units in the Egyptian army, pointing out that it instrument be relying follower images of the hotbeds of crook dens in connection with the vantage of the improvement affect in the Sinai.

He continues, Pupil Comprehensive Body of the Ahmad Wasfi, man of the Indorse Blue Facility, the safeguard condition in septrional Desert from case to moment, and recede the bristly forces areas Arish and Swayer Zowaid, within the framework of the coordination and processing of the walk of safeguard future in the Peninsula, in cooperation with the elders of the tribes and Alawaql.